Feels so good to have a friend that is a good listenerSpeaking with Claire a couple of times a month helps me to stay focused. I enjoy the time we have talking and I really enjoy hearing from her with random virtual hugs and stories that get me involved, giving me the chance to comment. Leaves me with plenty of things to think about. Happy I found her! Jim Danar, Orlando, Florida.

Claire can take my stumbling hesitant words and weave them into a conversation as she asks me questions which might lead her on to asking  me about my back yard and the vegetable garden that I am growing.  Maybe because she is from England she loves to hear about my flowers and plans that I have for extending the garden into something more elaborate.  I only chat with her once a month, but I enjoy our hour together on the phone.  M.L Downey.  Missouri

I am a much older gentleman that has never been one for having friends as I am your typical introvert.  I am not much of a drinker so doing the bar scene and chatting with the bartender won’t work either! But connecting with Clare a few times a week is my go to place to avoid the loneliness pangs and I look forward to sharing things over the phone with her.  It is enough for me and works well with my personality.  I also like getting her emails as she gets me thinking about things that I might not always have thought about.   Daniel Clutterbuck.  Orlando, Florida

Claire has been my friend for many years now. I would say at least 10 years. I met Claire in person many years ago as her client and saw her once a month for at least 10 years. There are some people who are there in your life through the good times only…the times when they are happy to raise a glass to you in person or over the phone, genuinely happy that you have achieved something well and want to go party with you. There are those people who are there in your life for the good times, but disappear through the bad times. Maybe because they don’t know what to say, so they avoid you and try and avoid the subject making conversation about anything unrelated to the event that is concerning you. And then there are the Claire’s in the world! The people that are genuinely there for you during the good times as well as the bad times offering words of support or comfort, encouraging you to share until you can burst! I wish I could be a Claire in the world, but selfishly I am not. I struggle to be there for people during difficult times, so I understand why people can’t be there for me too. But knowing Claire feels like it’s on a personal level, like a true friend, but a true friend that I don’t know a lot about. Why don’t I know a lot about her? Because she listens to me and very rarely will talk about herself…If I asked I am sure I would find out some stuff…but I am usually full of my own drama! Sorry, Claire! You asked me to write a review on you and I did! Love you and happy to have you in my life! Jennifer B. Orange County, California.