Did you enjoy reading my “What is your WHY blog?”   If you did and are ready to kick start your goals then please read this, to turbo charge them into action!

Having goals and writing them down is definitely a start when it comes to achieving them.  And like my previous blog said, having a purpose to your WHY is equally as important.

But the main thing that triggers the goals or dreams that you have set in place for yourself will not happen if the emotion you have with them is non-existent.  You will struggle to see them appear into your life if there is no emotion attached to it.

When you visualize your goals as if they have already happened, what kind of feeling do you get when you see those pictures in your mind of you already having them?

Do you feel in the pit of your stomach a feeling of elation, excitement or a feeling of being lonely?

Write down on a piece of paper what your goals are and make a list by the side of your goals as to what the feeling is that you get with that goal.

Here is an example to help you:

My goal is:   I understand my WHY and I want to work flexible hours and increase my income by 20% by year 2017.

When I think of myself as having already achieved this goal, I get a giddy feeling in my stomach of how this would make me feel.  I feel ….

  1. Free
  2. Flexible
  3. Carefree
  4. Loose
  5. Successful

Once you have wrote down the feelings associated with your goal and there are no boundaries as to how many feelings you have.  The more the better.  Go for it and turbo charge your life!

Now I want you to write down each adjective that you used to describe this feeling and write down next to it WHY you feel those things.

Here is another example:   Please pick what comes to mind for yourself.  Take your time with the exercise.

  1. I feel free because I can pick my children up from school around my flexible hours
  2. I love feeling flexible because I can plan lunch dates or vacation dates with no restrictions
  3. I feel carefree when I see others struggle to have playtime due to a corporate lifestyle with a butt head of a boss
  4. I feel loose as I work around my flexible life and enjoy going to the gym more which helps with my mind as well as my physical body.  The extra income makes me feel loose mentally about treating myself and my children to nicer things
  5. I love this feeling of being successful. I feel successful because I have achieved the goal that I set for myself last year and know that anything is possible if I put my mind to it with an emotion attached.

Keep all of your notes that you have made and read them EVERY single day.  As you read them, keep those feelings that you have and feel them.   Really feel them.  Add to your list if you wish, but keep feeling as you visualize the outcome.

Happy goaling my lovelies!

What is your feeling when you write down your goals

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