need friends with a heart to talk too when I am feeling lonely

Friends need hugs!!  Just sending a virtual hug to everybody in the world as some days can be lonelier than ever.  Maybe you feel lonely without a friend to talk with.   I am here for you!   I am here for you over the phone with Phone My Friend or you can request an online chat with me if talking on the phone doesn’t float your boat!

“Never doubt your own voice, no matter how small, no matter how improbable.  All voices matter and big things happen when they are heard”.

I might be an ordained minister, but I love and appreciate ALL religions and belief systems.  I love to hear all stories about what you believe or don’t believe as it keeps you in this sometimes lonely world more interesting!

Let’s face it, who wants to be squeezed into a box with us all thinking the same thing?

Hugs from Florida!

Reverend Claire

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