We have all said things and wished we hadn’t said them!  Once we say something out loud we cannot take it back.   The power of our words has such an impact on our own mental state as well as to the recipient.   This can be both positive or negative.  I try to be as positive as I possibly can with the words that I use to myself when I am having a hard time with something physically or mentally.  I feel sad when I hear people call themselves “stupid” or “I am such a dumb ass” because I believe the more we call ourselves or others these words, the more we become to believe them and others will start seeing those negative connotations in us also.

One of the most profound video’s I have seen is an oldie but a goodie!

I am sure most of you have seen this video before.  You might have forgotten about it or you might have never seen it.  But if you have just under 2 minutes to spare to watch the video below….I am sure you will understand the power behind the words that we use!

Enjoy and next time you catch yourself calling yourself or somebody else something negative…stop yourself and rethink what you really do want to say to yourself!  It could be …. “I might be struggling with this right now, but there has to be an easier way, surely?”.   Asking out loud will draw the answer to you in good time.

Remember I am just a phone call away or you can submit an online chat request here in this link, if this is your preference to talking.

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