I once heard a quote many years ago, that resonated so well with me and it is one quote that I try to live by as much as I can.  I do stop myself sometimes when I have doubts about starting something that might be big and adventurous to my fearful human mind. I stop myself and think about the quote that I heard and it makes me question “Why am I so fearful of this?” propelling me to think that I better get a move on bringing some positive change into my life because who knows what tomorrow will bring!

A man was once asked …

“What is your definition of Hell?”  His response was “Hell to me is coming face to face on my death bed with a person that is not myself but another man. A man that accomplished everything in life that I set out to accomplish but never started or finished it”.

Does this give anybody else the chills or is it just me?

What plans, goals or even inventions were you fearful about starting or never finished, that you now wish you had have started and completed to the end?  


I want to listen to you about your stories and even your whacky invention ideas that actually did come to fruition by yourself or shamefully by another person!   If picking up the phone and chatting is not your thing, send me an online call request here in this link, so we can chat online!

I sometimes watch Shark Tank and think to myself or even say out loud “Oh gosh, I had that idea many years ago!”   I wonder if people actually believe me when I say it, because it happens a lot.   I could be a multi-billionaire right now with all the devices being used today, that I thought of many years ago, but never did anything with my idea, but just sit there and think about it.   All business’s and possessions that we own started from a thought.  Taking that thought and making it your reality is the tough part.  But I know you can do it!

As we knock on one door and start the process, who knows where it will take us, or who it will take us too.  The limits are endless!

Fearful of starting that new job? Chat with me about your fears

Go knocking on those doors my lovely! I believe in you!

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