visualize the forgiveness blowing away with Phone My Friend

Hello beautiful souls!

Have you ever wrote a forgiveness letter to somebody or something that offended you in some way?  Let’s have fun with this and give it a try.  Read the blog below and once you have done it, let me know how it made you feel!    Let me know if after doing it, some miracle occurred or maybe you had some unleashed energy that you cannot wait to share with me!

The Forgiveness letter

Step 1:  The feeling letter

Write a short letter to the person, place or thing that really hurt you in the past.  It doesn’t matter if this person is alive or if this thing is an object.  It could be an ex-boyfriend, a house that burnt down, the dog that passed away too soon.  No matter what the pain is, sit and write down the anger, betrayal, the loss and any disappointment that you have.  Watch the words flow onto the paper!   Take as long as you need, but just let those words flow.  I am sure a few F bombs might find its way on to the paper.  But that is ok.

Step 2:  The response

This letter is a letter that you will write as if it came from the recipient of your feeling letter.  Again, pay no attention to the fact that a burnt down house cannot write you a letter.  Write as if it is possible.   The letter is addressed to you and the words that the recipient writes to you is full of words that you want to hear and that need to hear that make you feel better.  The words the recipient uses are kind words that make you feel good about yourself and the situation.  You might shed some tears and that is ok.

Step 3:  The forgiveness letter

A forgiveness letter is basically a letter that you write to somebody or something that has upset you.  It could be to an ex-boyfriend, a house that burnt down, the insurance agent that wouldn’t help you with a claim, or a death that left you feeling in pain.   You don’t email or mail this letter to the person!  Ok, this next step is important and I know this might be hard for you to stomach at first and it might take you a while to actually get the fingers to type it or the shaking fingers to hold the pen to write it, but as you write your letter of forgiveness you should use words of forgiveness and love.   If you really, really don’t feel ready to write those words with love, then write to them telling them that you want to forgive them.  Continue writing these letters until you do feel ready to forgive them.   Baby steps … Remember whatever you write to the other person or thing whether it is feeling letter written with love or a letter telling them you want to forgive them….you DO NOT send  it to them.  This is your practice to do in your personal time to help you.

Step 4:  Send it in a bubble, balloon a bottle or down the toilet

When you feel that your forgiveness letter is finished and you genuinely feel that you have released this pain from your past and ready to move forward with grace, love and dignity then you can visualize sending your letter in a bubble or a balloon and releasing it into the sky.  Or you could fold up your letter, place it in the bottle and send it into the sea!  I love this idea…but I’m not an advocate of littering the ocean.   Or you could shred it, throw it into the trash or send it down the loo!  Whatever way works for you and helps you with closure.   If you feel in the future the pain or feeling lonely with the loss starts to return…you can always go back to the exercise and start again.

Happy musings and sending virtual hugs your way today!

Remember I am one phone call away or submit an on-line chat request with me in this highlighted link and let’s get texting!

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