Needing help with newborn baby in Orlando, Florida?

Just having a postpartum doula in Orlando, Florida to listen to you and to encourage you makes your life easier!

Having a postpartum doula  come into your home in Orlando, Florida to help you adjust with your new baby is a wonderful experience for most.  It is especially wonderful for the new Mom if her family live out of state with not much help being offered to her.  Yes, women have babies every day and some do just great and don’t feel like they need much help from family or from a postpartum doula. But there are some new Moms that just want that additional help.  It is OK if they want to have a person sit with them for a few hours a day to stop them from feeling lonely and confused.

It takes a strong person to ask for help and to sit back and let somebody help!

Having a new baby can be a lonely time. There might be resentment at your partner for leaving the house each day.  Resentment kicks in as they go to work. As they converse with other adults and are able to go to the bathroom in peace without hearing the screams from a baby. Having resentment can have an affect on your relationship.  It can be a trying time for couples to adjust and comparisons of who is the most tired can dominate all other conversations, leading to strong disagreements that are not productive.  Wouldn’t you want this to be a happy time for all people involved?

Having a postpartum doula can help you get to that happier place!

As your postpartum doula in Winter Park, Florida, I can pick up groceries on the way over to your house and make you lunch and sit with you as you feed baby or run around the house like a ninja with the vacuum for a few minutes!  During my ninja vacuuming session I can be roasting a chicken in the oven for you, so that when your partner comes home from work, dinner Is all prepared and he/she just need to prepare the veggies and you are good to go!

Even if you are a second time Mom, you might still feel that you need some additional help!

Just because this isn’t your first rodeo doesn’t mean that your emotions, hormones and everything else isn’t going to pot!   A lot of Moms struggle with juggling the newborn as well as the toddler.  When your once angelic toddler all of a sudden starts to misbehave as he or she wonders where or how they now fit into the pecking order of things!  I can provide as your postpartum doula some great tips on how to help the sibling feel happier about the newcomer muscling into their life!   Some of my tips are so simple to corporate into your daily life you will be wondering, why the heck you didn’t think of it yourself!

It is very rewarding for me to help a new Mom, a second, third or fourth time Mom balance her new life.  It is also a great feeling for me to see the older child start to feel happier about the new baby.    Seeing the partner walk through the door after a stressful day at work to a happier Mom that isn’t as lonely, a cleaner house and dinner all ready to go, allows me to leave for the day with a smile on my face. I see this and know that I am adding value to this families life.

So, do you need help with your newborn baby?

How can I help you and your family today as your postpartum doula here in Orlando, Florida?  Do you need help because you feel lonely?  Are you struggling with understanding the basics of ‘how to care for a newborn?’  Do you need some help with getting back onto a healthy eating plan?   It takes a strong woman to ask for help!  Are you ready for help?   Because I am here to be that postpartum doula that can offer that strong shoulder to lean on and those big ears to listen with!

Contact me today to see how I can come into your home and make your life easier today!

Who doesn’t want an easier life?


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