1. Call me!  It always helps to talk to somebody about how lonely you feel.  Really it does help, try it! Or submit an online chat request.
  2. Go for a walk. Put on your running shoes and take a brisk walk.  The endorphins will help create creativity and lift your mood!
  3. Listen to music. Listen to music that doesn’t have sad lyrics, but happy lyrics. Jack Johnson comes to mind.  He is playing down below!  Listen to him as your read this list, to get you into the groove!  I bet you be tapping your toes!
  4. Got a pet? Talk to your pet and give your pet some loving.  If you don’t have a pet, go to a dog park and watch the dogs play!
  5. Read a few chapters in a great self-help book of your choice. Here is one of my favorite books “Once upon a Cow”.
  6. Got the music on as in number 3? Close the blinds and dance like nobody is watching.  Sweat it out and dance to the rhythm working up a sweat!  Great for the mind and cardio too!
  7. Go back to your childhood and get out a coloring book and crayons. Color to your hearts content (preferably with funky, fun music to make your heart sing!”)
  8. Sort out your closet! Donate some clothes to charity and take the trendier ones to a consignment store for cash back. Clearing clutter creates fresh new energy and makes you feel proud of your accomplishment.
  9. Are you home? Light some candles, fill your bath tub and pamper yourself, preferably whist listening to some music.   Can you tell I like music?
  10. Create a board on Pinterest called “My vision board” and spend an hour pinning images of what you would like in your life, 5 minutes from now, 5 days from now, 5 years from now. Go pin and don’t be too concerned if nobody follows your board.  This is for you to do now with no expectation of whether anybody on social media is following it.  For your eyes only my lovely! Beware it can be addictive.  Don’t shoot the messenger ..
  11. Download the “Walgreens” app on your phone and upload some of your photos that are on your phone and have them printed to the store. Pick them up and buy some frames to put them in.  Scatter your frames around your home or have a particular place to keep them that you pass by every day.
  12. Organize a drawer in your house. Throw away anything that is trash and file away or put into labeled boxes keys, sunglasses, pens etc.   Then stand back and be proud of your organization skills!
  13. Go and sit in a church and listen to the silence and if it is an old church, look up at the architecture and silently thank every single person that worked hard at putting it all together. Visualize how they looked when they were working on it many years ago. If praying is your thing, don’t forget to pray to God himself, thanking him for giving you the ability to walk into his church today!
  14. Take a book and go and sit in a coffee shop of your choice and periodically people watch, knowing that every single person that walks in there, no matter how happy they look are all fighting some sort of battle from their past, present or thinking too much about their future. You are not alone with your thoughts!
  15. Go and buy some new coat hangers and throw out any metal ones you have. Coat hangers can be bought inexpensively from the dollar store and maybe visit Pinterest or YouTube to learn how to make fabric ones.  These will look lovely in your closet especially when you have completed number 8!
  16. Get out some nice note cards and if you don’t have any, these can also be bought from a dollar store sometimes. You can pick some up while you are buying your new coat hangers!  Write a card with a quick note in it to a friend or relative you haven’t spoken to in a while!  It will seriously make the recipients day when that arrives in the mail!   Nothing better than receiving a hand written note rather than a text or Facebook message that loses its value due to being too generic.   If you don’t have stamps, put on your walking shoes and go walk to the post office or the nearest grocery store that usually sells stamps.
  17. Buy yourself some flowers or pick some from your garden or wild ones can be picked too, whilst you are out on your walk. Place them in a mason jar in a place that you pass by every day.  Your photo frame location will be perfect for this!
  18. What did you like to do as a child? Recapture this moment if you can.  Dust down your roller blades or pump up your tires on your bike and pedal like a crazy person.  Listen to music while you do this (being safe if you are not on a bike path)
  19. Make a hair appointment or a nail appointment, massage or facial appointment and look forward to it! If finances are an issue, walk into the local beauty school and have them practice on you.  Even if it’s just getting a blow out at beauty school, it feels good to have somebody wash your hair and make it look all lovely and full of bounce.  Are you a man that doesn’t want a pampering service such as this?  Go to a barber school and have them practice the straight edge shave on you.  They are all supervised students!
  20. Last but not least …. What can you do for somebody else today? Buy or make a sandwich and give it to a homeless person (if it is not illegal in your city to do this!!) Or compliment the bag packer at the supermarket, making eye contact with him or her.  When we make somebody else feel good about themselves as to how they look or what they are doing, it makes us feel good too!

Which one was your favorite?

Contact me today and share which one you liked!   I know after listening to this track below I always want to go make banana pancakes!  Enjoy working through the list my beauties and let’s connect soon.  Whatever works for you.  Over the phone or online chat I am here for you!

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