Phone My Friend says if you are feeling lonely take a walk it helps lift the mood

Walking is not only good for your heart, but also good for your body and soul.

  1. Walking makes you happier and can lift your mood very quickly and helps to combat depression.
  2. Walking at a reasonably fast pace helps your body to reduce stress.  The cortisol hormone moves through your body causing a feel good factor.
  3. Walking briskly clears your mind and allows for creativity and allows for reflection.
  4. Walking clears away that dull feeling in your brain which helps make room for the creativity.
  5. Walking improves concentration and is extremely beneficial to children if they walk to school each day or if you park your car away from the office and walk briskly to work.
  6. Walking builds relationships.  For some people who find it hard to make eye contact whilst talking (teenagers) walking with them allows them to express themselves about tough subjects and builds the relationship to a better level.
  7. Walking with others helps if you are feeling lonely.  Feeling lonely and chatting with others helps to combat those lonely feelings.  Sometimes you don’t have to have lengthy conversations with people, but just being among the company of others helps if you feel lonely.   If you are new to the area and don’t have people to walk with, join a walking group. offer some great ones
  8. Walking whilst listening to upbeat music without depressing lyrics, lifts your spirits and puts a smile on your face especially if you are walking alone.
  9. Remember just because you are in a relationship, it doesn’t mean that you don’t get lonely still.
  10. If you feel lonely in your marriage, take a walk with your partner and talk about some of the good events that you both shared in the past.  This helps to bring comfort and fun conversation to the walk.

I love to walk.  I love to walk/hike for all of the reasons above and I love to walk with my 19 year old daughter who is in college and 21 year old son, that is in the military, whenever we get the chance.  It allows all of us to chat about things that might not arise if the T.V was on, or if they were chasing pokemon on their phone.

Want to hear my musing?  Did you know….

When you walk with your head down, you are always thinking of the past.  The past could be a good reflection or a bad reflection.   When you walk with your head facing forward or up as if glancing at the sky or the trees, you are always thinking of the future.  Try it ….

What do you want to think about when you take a walk?  A bad experience or something exciting that you are wanting to happen?   Reflecting on the good times, is a good thing and can make us feel good…but if the thoughts cause some sadness and feelings of time you take a walk…face forward or look up to the sky! Join a walking group if your friends are busy or if you have moved to a new area, as not having a partner to do things with can make you feel lonelier than ever.

How do you walk?  With your head in the clouds, creating, designing and thinking of the future or down in the dumps reflecting on the past?

Share with me here if you experience a change in your thoughts now that you can make a conscious decision to walk knowing Claire’s musing …. 🙂

Have a fabulous walk my loves!

Submit a request for an online chat with me here in this link!

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