Postpartum support for gay couples …

As your postpartum doula here in Orlando, Florida, I am also here to assist gay couples that have adopted a newborn baby.  The first 8 weeks of bringing a baby home can be a very tiring and scary time for any couple regardless of their sexuality or regardless of whether you have given birth and have hormones raging through your body!   I can come into your home during this time and offer you emotional, loving support that you might be needing.

The kind of support I offer is emotional or anything that is related to the day to day care of a newborn baby.  I can help you with any breastfeeding issues that you have or refer you to a lactation nurse if between the two of us, we still can’t get it down.   If your choice of feeding is bottle feeding, then I can assist you with selecting the correct formula for your baby.  I try my hardest to assist you with breastfeeding, but under no circumstances do I make you feel like you are a failure if you cannot do it.  A happy parent, is a good parent and my goal is to help you bond with the baby to the best of my ability.

If the baby has siblings, then there may be some sibling rivalry.  Let me help, by giving you some great tips on how to get little Johnny to adjust to his new role as big brother.  This is a scary time for the older brother or sister, that has had your undivided attention for so long and it is no wonder they question where they now fall into the families ‘pecking order’.

Cooking may not be your thing or let’s face it…cooking a roast chicken or preparing another healthy dinner is the last thing on your mind right now, during this tiring time.  I can help you with that.  As you nap upstairs I can snuggle with the baby and if the baby is napping or content, I can rustle up some healthy food for you that you can snack on through the day or to eat for dinner.

A partner walking into your home that smells of roast chicken (vegetarian options available) and with you feeling happier because you have had some company, is worth it’s weight in gold!

Staying home with a new baby and with nobody to chat with, can be very lonely.  Facebook might be the only thing you have that keeps you entertained, but using Facebook can make you feel lonelier during this time.  A person to come into your home, to listen to you, to offer you supportive newborn guidance and to be as your friend, without offering unwarranted advice is a plan that a lot of new parents find invaluable.

Talk to me today about how I can serve you and your family during the first 8 weeks as your postpartum doula here in Orlando, Florida!


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